Trust the unseen + trust your own magic. Burn these hand rolled smudge sticks of ethically harvested Frankincense resin to ground yourself. Woodsy + sweet, comforting + nurturing. Let the smoke fill your space + bring you back to yourself.
* Each set of smudge sticks includes a YAXCHE Grounding Mantra + 10 sticks.
Why we love YAXCHE smudge sticks...
We love the idea of taking full responsibility for the energy we carry. Clearing, grounding + resetting our energy is not only possible but it is the wisest way to ensure your personal success. YAXCHE Sacred Smudge sticks not only reset your energy they help you relax + unwind. Perfect to help you get into a meditative mindful space to enhance focus + increase creativity.
What is Frankincense ?
WIth uses dating back as far as the tomb of King Tut, Frankincense has not only been used for medicinal but spiritual purposes. It's woodsy exotic smoke is not only healing but comforting. Many believe it inspires purity of heart + a centering of the mind, body and spirit. Five thousand years ago, a "frankincense trail" marked the route where the precious incense was shipped from Oman through Yemen and into Jordan. Historical records indicate 3,000 to 4,000 tons of the resin were shipped annually from Jordan to Greece and Rome, where it was burned in churches + temples to ground the space. A perfect scent to envelope you + allow you to let go a bit to find your way back to yourself.